Date: 8th – 12th August 2022 Venue: Lubumba Community Church, Lukaya, KalunguDistrict
Facilitator: Davis Tugume Participants: 26 participants (including 15 pastors and 6 elders) from 12 churches in 3 districts of Kalungu, Masaka, and Nakaseke.
Pr. Allan and his wife, Mrs. Harriet Kisakye coordinated churches and participants for the training and also handled logistics throughout the five days. Majority of the participants commuted daily from their homes in the Lubumba locality.
We covered all the six lessons in the course. Lesson 1: How to understand and use Biblical narratives in our lives; Lessons 2 and 3: Narrative Study – 1 Kings 18; Lesson 4: Bible Study (for oral learners and others) – Setting people free; and Lessons 5 and 6: How to use the Old Testament in our lives (covering the five steps of understanding) lay the foundation for the skills of How to understand and use the Bible in our lives. The seventh lesson was a practice lesson where the participants were randomly grouped into groups of four to apply the steps of understanding biblical narrative to the passage of Ruth 3 – 4 and arrive at its message. The training was run in English.

Given that the participants had done Course 1 in April, they comfortably contributed to the learning experience through adult learning, discussing general group questions and attending to individual group discussions and presentations.
Feedback from Participants: The participants appreciated the manageable length of the study workbook and the the lessons. They also expressed a desire to learn how to prepare and deliver a scripture message (preach). This will be the next training they will undertake.